Thursday 30 January 2014

What To Do When You Haven’t Got A Stitch To Wear

What To Do When You Haven’t Got A Stitch To Wear…

So, if you find yourself on a Friday, Saturday or any night of the week feeling rather depressed due to your wardrobe, trust me, you’re not alone.  So have a cocktail and relax because there are many ways to revamp your wardrobe without breaking the bank.
            Firstly, you may call up a friend and ask them to lend an item or two, but we all know that friends borrowing friend’s clothing is risky territory, which normally leaves one member of the party feeling bummed out about the fact you put a hole in their ‘only worn once’ tights. So, if you would like to skip the uncomfortable friend situation, you should start investing in clothes that exude versatility with your already existing wardrobe.
            This Vogue shirt can accessorised until your hearts content and its simplistic style means that you can mix and match with patterns and colours, jackets and jeans, skirts and shorts, its all up to you. However, at only £15 you could be stealing yourself a whole new selection of outfits in one. Remember that choosing your clothing is like choosing your cocktails, you can always choose the same drink, but you’ll never taste all the flavours if you don’t mix it up now and then. 

A great example of an effective fashion item is one that can be translated into many different outfits, such as the new DaintyLou Vogue t-shirt. Firstly the main colour is black, which is the most dynamic and stylish colour in fashion (if you play the game right.) As Coco Chanel once said black “is the perfect harmony” as it compliments every other colour, meaning you could wear this shirt with your new salmon jeans in the springtime or release your more gothic side and wear black on black.

Until next time….

Michael Bennett – Fashion Blogger at DaintyLou 

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Thank you for your order! love daintylou xox